Saturday, May 2, 2009

Hero or Villian?

Super heroes can be stupid sometimes.
All that green lantern can do is glow! Now THAT'S stupid!
If you don't think about it that way,I don't care a bit!
Batman doesn't have powers! How about that?!?
Spider man has spider powers. I hate spiders!
Want to make your own super hero? I've got that covered! As you can see below,I've created a body you can use to make a super hero or even a super villian! If you make one,post it on your blog!
TIPS: decorate the body on paint!


frogboy 96/ vlurp111 said...

It's nice to hear from you in so long.

Squiddy said...

thanx, are you gonna make a hero?

Jairo said...

can i make a villion and a hero?
and can i make my own body for them? ive made alot of heros and villions over the years!
(i make home made comics!)

Squiddy said...

sure,i make comics to!

Steven said...

candy bar- Green lantern has a ring that can transform into anything. Batman doesn't need powers, he has the best equipment. And Spider-Man, well his powers are just awesome, haven't you thought that Spider-Man isn't a REAL SPIDER. I'm not trying to be mean. Its just that I am a super geek with this stuff sometimes. :)

Squiddy said...

I'm just trying to male a point! Hey,your creative! Why don't you make a hero?(and/or villian)